How do you define "alive"? ...Abortion to Euthanasia
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Topic Introduction
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Crtical Thinking Areas: Looking at the videos and reading, please think about...
1. During pregnancy, when does the embryo/fetus become a "person"?
2. If a person in a coma is on "life support" in the hospital, when are they no longer "alive"?
3. Do you believe someone has a "spirit" (たまし)...also called a "soul" or "personhood"?
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Abortion: During Pregnancy, when does life begin?
PowerPoint of the 8 possible juncture (points) when life might begin
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Euthanasia: When does life end?
Logic <-> Emotion: Facts <-> Feelings (soul or たまし)
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International Reaction to US ban on Abortion
Countries from Europe to South America