How do you define "Inner Beauty"?
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Topic Introduction
Here is a 3 minute introduction to our topic
Crtical Thinking Areas: Looking at the videos and reading, please think about...
1. Dove Video (below): Which door would you go through?
2. What makes you feel you possess 'Inner Beauty"?
3. How can you increase your sense of "Inner Beauty"?
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Inner Beauty: How to increase/enhanse
Etcoff & Orbach provide methods to increase Inner Beauty
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Dove Video: Beautiful Door or Average Door
Shanghai, San Francisco, London, Sao Paolo & Dehli
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"The Ugliest Woman in the World"
Lizzie Velasquez, motivational speaker, "Brave starts here."
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"Happy" Music Video
We will try to show the "Emotion <-> Logic" connection to Inner Beauty